Thursday, October 28, 2010

How green are you?

With regard to my ecological conscience I ussualy tried to do the things less harmfuls to the environment, but If I have to be honest I have to admit that it's possible to do much more.

Everyday I come to the university riding a bicycle because besides is more ecological, is cheper, fast, and allows me to do exercise without losing time.

Moreover, when I go to the supermarket I used my own bag, because doing that I avoid to use unnecessary plastic bags.

On the other hand, I'm not interested to participate in eco-organisations because I don't like the organisations in general, I have a very little time to spend for something like this, and the topic is not really interesting for me. If I want to particpate in organisation I prefer to choose other subject more related with my interests.

Despite this, I think that it's as important to do little and daily actions as to do great ecological campaign. The campaigns are important for to provide information and to create a conscience about the problems in the environment, in which the human has been the principal responsible, but to do daily and little actions it's easy and I think, it's very useful.

However, a few weeks ago I read about a type of "ecological bricks", which are used to build houses. These "ecological bricks" are plastic bottles filling with a lot of plastic bags like envelops of food and you can really use this bricks for build istead of just to put the rubish out.

Actually it's very difficult to be ecological in Santiago context, because there are not enough places to recycle the garbage, all the food is wrapped in plastic containers and there are a very ltlle bike paths.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


"My bright idea: Neanderthals could show compassion."

This article is about a new evidence of Neanderthal behavior, a specie near related to the actual humans who lived in the earth since 600.00 years ago and then dissappeared about 30.000 years ago.

It is supposed by Dr Penny Spikins, a young archaeologist at the University of York, that Neanderthal had the possibility to express complex feelings like compasssion. This feeling it's defined like the ability to express empaty respecto to another people or animal even things, when this things evocate a memory related to a feeling.

The evidence that support this hypothesis is the finding of rests in different archaeological sites, like "Shanidar cave in Iraq", attributed to handicapped people who live for a long time, and because of that needed the help of other people from the community.

The long-term care of others is something that we may think of as being a modern human characteristic and for a long time the issue was quite contentious, but recent evidence is refuting this idea.

Even more, rests of a cranium of Homo Heidelbergensis, an ancestor of human modern humans and Neanderthals found in Sima de los Huesos, Spain show evidence of this type of feeeling in our ancestors.
In spite of the controversy, derived from the diffiulty of identify correctlly the features that described this type of behaviors it is logigal to think that this feelings operates like a mecanism that facilitate the establishement of social relationships and evolution of the human specie.