Monday, May 4, 2009

Web site

One of the most important and useful websites related of my career is (Scientific Electronic Library Online).
Probably it's not my favourite web site , but is the most useful site when I have to do a work for the univerisity and when I want to be "updated" about the topics of my academic interests.
I found this site the first year of my career when I was very stressed looking for infomation for to do a essay and in this time, this web-site was my "salvation", just fallen to the sky.

The importance of this web-site is that it allows to find articles ("papers") updated of archaeological and biological topics, specially studies of current and prehistoric populations using DNA.
I don't visit this site every day, but when I have to do a bibliographical researches related to archaeological and genetics studies (or both) I always visit this web-site and the 90% of times I found what I was looking for.


  1. Catalina,
    I liked your post because it is well written in terms of organization and structures, but please be more careful with prepositions and sometimes with tenses. See corrected version and notes.
    Web site
    One of the most important and useful websites (related of: WRONG PREPOSITION) my career is (Scientific Electronic Library Online).
    Probably it's not my favourite web site , but (MISSING SUBJECT) is the most useful site when I have to do aN ASSIGNMENT for the univerisity and when I want to be "updated" about the topics of my academic interests.
    I found this site the first year of my career when I was very stressed looking for infomation ( ) to do aN essay and AT THAT time, this web-site was my "salvation", just fallen (to. WRONG PREPOSITION) the sky.
    The importance of this web-site is that it allows to find (articles ("papers") updated: WORD ORDER) ON archaeological and biological topics, specially studies of current and prehistoric populations using DNA.
    I don't visit this site every day, but when I have to (do a bibliographical researches) related to archaeological and genetics studies (or both) I always visit this web-site and ( ) 90% of times I (found: TENSE) what I (was:TENSE) looking for.
    a) (At) this time: now / at that/the time: then, in the past
    b) ‘For to do’ is old English. Use: to do / in order to do/ so as to do/with a view to doing
    c) Either ‘do a bibliographical research. Or ‘do bibliographical researches’
    d) If you say: When I (VERB IN THE PRESENT), the result is either in the present or in the future.

  2. In Scielo are many very important pages. It is a very useful web to our career.

    Chungara is great too.
